Our Team of Experts

The word “Experts” in Federal Career Experts is there for a reason. All of our trainers and counselors are experts in federal retirement.  Every one of them is a retired federal employee with extensive experience in federal retirement and benefits.  They’re all top-flight instructors as well.  FCE is proud of the comments we receive on our class evaluation sheets, some of which are listed later on this website.


John Grobe, President of Federal Career Experts, is an expert in the area of federal employee retirement and benefits.  This experience comes from his 26 year federal career in which he managed the retirement program in a 3,500-employee office of a large federal agency. 

After retiring in 1997 and establishing his own company, he has provided assistance in retirement and other areas to federal agencies, individuals, and private sector clients. John has delivered hundreds of federal retirement seminars.

John designed all of the retirement classes for Federal Career Experts and has designed classes for other firms as well.  He has a Bachelors Degree from the University of Illinois (Chicago) and a Masters Degree in Industrial Relations from Loyola University of Chicago.


Francis Bergmeister (FX) is a retired federal employee and retired U. S. Marine with in-depth knowledge of financial planning. He holds several financial designations, including Certified Financial Planner®. FX Has a Doctorate from George Mason University, Masters Degrees from the University of Southern California, The American College, and Georgetown University, and a Bachelors Degree from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.


James Marshall for over 20 years, agencies in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches have benefited from James’ extensive knowledge of the rules and regulations that govern the federal retirement systems and benefit programs. He has a vast understanding of the effects that various decisions have on federal retirement benefits. James can take complicated rules, regulations and topics and interpret them in a way that makes them easy to understand for federal employees. James has had over 70 federal agencies as customers with Federal Career Experts and other firms. He served as the “go to” person for retirement questions with the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE)