Seminars and Services

Federal Career Experts offers a wide variety of services to federal agencies that are looking to educate their employees in the areas of federal retirement and benefits. From in-depth seminars to benefits and TSP overviews, to individual counseling; from off-the-shelf offerings to custom designed classes – Federal Career Experts can do it all.

Our seminars are designed for employees at all stages of their careers; from the new employee who was hired last week, to the senior employee who will be retiring at the end of the year. At a minimum, our pre-retirement seminars will cover:

• Retirement Eligibility
• Retirement Computations
• Survivor Benefits
• Federal Insurance (FEHB, FEGLI, FLTCIP, FEDVIP, and FSAs)
• Taxes After Retirement
• Social Security
• Medicare
• Thrift Savings Plan

Our longer seminars will cover the above areas in greater depth and will include:

• Financial Planning
• Estate Planning
• Working After Retirement
• Retirement Living

Our off-the-shelf seminars are covered in our capability statement. You can see detailed agendas of the seminars by clicking on the links below. 

Two-Day FERS and/or CSRS Seminars. These are our most in-depth offerings and cover all of the bulleted points above. Please check pages 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the capability statement

One-Day FERS or CSRS Seminars. These seminars cover the items in the first set of bullets above, though not in as much depth as a two-day class. We do not combine the two retirement systems in one-day classes.

One or Two-Day Mid-Career Planning Seminars. These seminars are similar to the one and two-day pre-retirement seminars described above, however, they are for employees further from retirement. They emphasize areas that are important to a federal employee with more time left before they retire (e.g., financial planning), while de-emphasizing the areas that concern older employees (e.g., Medicare).

One or One-Half Day New Employee Planning Seminars. These seminars are designed to start newly hired employees off on the right foot by giving them an understanding of the role federal retirement and benefits have in their future financial security. They cover what would happen to federal retirement and benefits if the newly-hired federal employee works until retirement, leaves before retirement, or dies while a federal employee. Please check pages 12 and 13 of the capability statement

One and One-Half Day Thrift Savings Plan Seminars. These seminars focus exclusively on the TSP and are invaluable for employees at all stages of their federal career. Please check page 16 of the capability statement

Seminars for Special Groups. Federal Career Experts’ instructors are experts in the special retirement provisions for Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters and other “special category” employees.

Retirement Overviews and Individual Counseling Sessions. A retirement overview would be a roughly two-hour overview of “everything one needs to know about their federal retirement”. The overview would be followed by individual counseling sessions for all of the overview participants. Our knowledgeable instructors are excellent in one-on-one situations.

Benefits Overviews. Benefits overviews can be conducted with or without individual counseling sessions. They are designed for those who do not have a clear understanding of their federal benefits, those who need a refresher, and those who don’t have access to quality human resources help.

Service After the Seminars. FCE instructors provide their contact information and encourage seminar participants to contact them with questions.

Speaker Services. Federal Career Experts can provide speakers on federal retirement and benefits for agency conferences and meetings.

Expert Witness Services. Federal Career Experts provides expert witnesses for court cases that deal with federal retirement and benefits. Our experts can prepare reports in anticipation of trial, be deposed, or testify during the actual trial.